Sunday, July 21, 20132.Antara maqom tajrid And maqom Kasab."هل
كنت امر وحده - عبادة العين (tajrid maqom على) في حين أن الله يوفق نفسك
كما فئة من الناس الذين حاولوا الحصول على حياة العالم الذي تعيشون فيه
(maqom كساب), ثم مثل هذه الرغبة, بما في ذلك الأفعال (الرغبات) أن
شهوة سوف halus.Sedangkan لك للبحث عن الأسباب - لأن الدنيوية (maqom
كساب), في حين أن الله لديه تهذيب نفسك بين تلك المجموعة وحدها - عيون
عبادة (maqom tajrid), ثم اتبع رغباتك, فهذا يعني أنك قد انخفض من روح
والمثل - المثل العليا
you order alone - worshiping the eye (on maqom tajrid), while God tune
yourself as a class of people who have tried to get a life of your world
(maqom kasab), then such a desire, including deeds (desires) that lust
will halus.Sedangkan you
to look for reasons - because mundane (maqom kasab), while God has fine
tune yourself among that group alone - worshiping eyes (maqom tajrid),
then follow your wishes, it means you have been dropped from the spirit
and ideals - ideals high. "Al-asbab
(cause - a cause or quest mundane) here are intended as an expression
of an attempt to be able to deliver for the purpose of acquiring
At-tajrid is an expression of an attitude to life which themselves do
not menyibukan cause - a cause or the quest to pursue worldly interests.
Allah placed in a position as a human race should strive to meet their
needs (maqom Kasab), while he was about to get out of maqom it, then it
is the desire of lust dimikian smooth.
Why the desire out of maqom it, a subtle nudge lust? Due
to lack nyamanannya the will of God that has been in such a position
itu.Sementara menepatkannya his desire is a desire contrary to the will
of God. And
expressed as a subtle nudge lust, the desire out of maqom it, does not
mean to grab the interest in worldly affairs, but are intended solely to
draw closer to Allah Ta'ala. He
thought that by trying to get out of maqom who was chosen by God for
him, it will be better and will menepatkannya on maqom higher. while at the same time, maqom that it does not want it suits him.
Adapu the signs that God has positioned on maqom Kasab, is:1. God menepatkannya in that position, until he felt good and fit with the position and condition it.2. Allah make it easy to get the results and the fruits of his efforts.3. He
found himself busy denagan tendencies and causes that could save his
religion and to fulfill her desire without relying on others.4. He can smarten silaturrahim intention to connect the rope.5. Helping people - poor people who struggle to get the treasure and various
avail the benefits as well as other assets relating to the affairs and interests of religion.
those who placed God on maqom tajrid, while he was about to get out of
her head [there maqom kasab, then such a diminished desire of the spirit
and ideals - ideals are high, also the ugliness etikanya.Ia to placate a
real syahwatnya and jelas.karena maqom maqom tajrid is high. God
only maqom tune on it, people - and specifically those of the
privileged class of people - those strong faith and ketauhidannya,
nyaitu people - people who God has Allah.Apabila ma'rifat to fine tune
the maqom someone special and privileged, then it will not be derazat
merekaya down from a higher to a degree people - people who have a lot
kekurangan.Syekh ra Abu Abdullah said: "He who does not have the
sensitivity and feel ena - good only interact and get along with the
opposite of a class of people - passers-by busy with business affairs and mundane causes (group maqom kasab), then he is the low man himmah (ideals - ideals).
signs that God has menepatkannya on maqom tajrid he is being used and
continuously in that position, as well as some fruit from her, The fruit
is in getting is:1. Maqom feeling of comfortable on that.2. Clarity of heart.3. Feeling boredom and do not get along with creature comfort.
himmah (ideals - ideals) is someone that is a heart condition, nyaitu
strong passion and desire to achieve maksuddan ideals - ideals that
tinggidan contrary, it is fairly low when Himma bekaitan with a low and
despicable case.
Poet states:
"Death is not the ideal barrier - fulfill YOUR
when dreams - as a pilot and fulfill YOUR ummah choice.
I say, let me be on my situation
The real difficulty
According to the low levels of high ideals.
Be ye people whose feet are feet on the ground
While the goal - his star was in high in the sky, "
have I explained the position and the second maqom, namely maqom kasab
and maqom tajrid, is an understanding that I can from the statement of
Ibn Athaillah.Di the sign - a sign that God has your tune in a position
to make your God is accustomed to and continue maqom constantly be on it, the following results and fruit. And Allaah knows best.This
issue is also called the book Tanwir, by displaying the text, then an
explanation is given seperlunya.Pahamilah, you may obtain guidance and
mercy Allah.Adalah affairs enemies always come bothering you, wherever
you are, at any maqom has been chosen by God
created anda.Kedatangan the enemy, of course with a view to bespatter
and insult you to look for another position, jam that has been chosen by
God for creating anda.Ia to gamangan and doubt in the hearts and
muddying anda.Ia time comes to cussing and
make kekacauan.Terkadang he came and said: "If you leave the business
and ignore the causes, then you concentrate solely worship alone, of
course you will be filled with radiant light, your heart be sparkling
clear, and you be the one to Waskito, various menjaditersibsk
secrets and open for you. "And this guy, do not intend to enter into
tajrid, because the condition itself is not fit for it and do not have
the ability to be on maqom tajrid, but eventually this person tempted,
his faith shaken, kenyakinannya be lost , he was thrown into the lake of indecision that there is no certainty.
the enemy's will and purpose, sometimes it comes in the form as -
though as an advisor, as happened to the father and human mother, Adam
and Hawa.Allah mengimformasikan the news, as in the following verse:
Allah says
يقول: لم ربك لا ينهاكم من الاقتراب من الشجرة, ولكن حتى يتسنى لك اثنين
لا تصبح الملائكة أو لا نكون - الأبدية (في السماء) وكان (إبليس) أقسم لهم
على حد سواء:. الحقيقي لي هو بما في ذلك الناس الذين يقدمون المشورة لكم على حد سواء. (QS.Al-A 'سلاح الجو الملكي البريطاني :20-21)Meaning:
says: Your Lord did not forbid you from approaching the tree, but so
that you two do not become angels or not to be - the eternal (in
heaven). And he (Satan) swore to them both: The real me is including
people who give advice to you both. (QS.Al-A 'raf :20-21)
the enemy (Satan) is also coming to visit people - people who are at
maqom tajrid, saying: "Until when the mundane needs, do not you know
that by leaving the cause - the cause and do not want to attempt will
always appear dilam against what his heart desires that
is in the hands of the item to another that will open the door gluttony
(Thama '). while you just engrossed in matters of worship without even
trying to get up the affairs of the world dunia.Mengapa you submit your
affairs to others, while on the other hand you were also only
expect a helping hand beings. Suppose you enter into the world kasab
(endeavor and strive), of other people who look forward to helping
anda.Bukankah it better and more noble, the light will shine,
ketenanganpun will always accompany it and no longer need the creature. "
so on, the enemy never knew boredom came and tease him, until it was
out of maqom orng tajrid on Mqom Kasab.Ia immersed herself in the world
because (business), but he was in Covered kegulitaan because he did not
know the road that must be in tempuh.Kemudian he
returned again to camp themselves in the affairs of worship, then
tempted again, so he does not have an identity, tossed around in a sea
kebingungan.Pahamilah well, this keterngan, and hold on to taliAllah. He who hold fast to the rope of God religion, in fact he was given instructions on the straight path.
God swt.berfirman:
"اولئك الذين يتمسكون دين الله, ثم في الواقع وقد أعطيت تعليمات إلى أنه الصراط المستقيم," (QS.Ali عمران: 101)
"Those who cling to the religion of Allah, then indeed he has been given instructions to the straight path," (QS.Ali Imran: 101)
aims to prevent people not pleased with the ordinance of God who has
determined that the best option baginya.Setan always tried to keep them
out of the God of their choice on his own.
does not choose one maqom maqom for you but it's the best and what's
right for anda.Sementara good in your view, is not necessarily good for
you in God hari.Ketika then you enter at a, then God - the one who helps
and take care of you . But when you make a selection on the basis of your own volition, then God's hands off and leave it up to your own.
God swt.berfirman:
"ويقول: نعم masukanlah إلهي أنا في وسيلة جيدة وأنا إزالته بطريقة جيدة وتعطيني قوة المساعدة جانبكم." (QS> الإسراء: 80)Meaning:
say: Yes masukanlah my god I'm in a good way and I remove it in a good
way and give me the power of helping your side." (QS> Al-Isra ': 80)
entry point is when you do not go on your own volition, but by the will
of God, so is way out baik.Pahamilah well, that what has been set by
God for you to keep a certain maqom he is God who
will take care of and help you untukkeluar in a good way and a good
entry way pula.Jadi, the issue is not you who mininggalkan reasons, but
because that's what you leave, because the power of God to bring
something with tnpa cause.
scholars say, when I left a sebabbegini and so, and then I went back
again to cause it kembli, but then because it just left me, then I will
come back again tadak padanya.Selanjutnya I went to see my teacher
ra.dengan a desire that is in the concentrated
in my heart for the maqom Tajrid.Aku say to myself: "true up to God to
be in this condition, feels so far away from the busy myself with
physical sciences and their interaction with humans."
my asking, my teacher arrived - arrived said to me: "Somebody is busy
hanging out with me in the frame for science was born, but he only felt a
little that was obtained from this path." Then he came to me and said:
"O my master teacher, I want to out
of the state in which I reside, I will focus on worship accompany you.
"kepqadanya I said:" That Persolannya so, but I'm occupying a place
where you are in your part dalamnya.Allah not set on hand kami.Dia - is
God 7yang deliver Your
will and purpose in your> "Then, while staring at my teacher said:"
That prihal the correct oarng (shiddiiqiin), they do not get out of
something, so that God was taking care of their exit> "
I came out of the side of my teachers, and it has already been washed
kekhawatran - fears of my heart and I will find peace submits to Allah
With regard to the shiddiiqiin this, the Prophet saw.bersabda:
واضاف "انهم الناس الذين لا يستطيعون celakakan من قبل الشركاء الاجتماعيين لها."
"They are a people who can not celakakan by her social partners."
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