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Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

3. WILLINGNESS AND BETWEEN rigors destiny.

"من شدة الإرادة التي تدور رحاها, لن تكون قادرة على مزق ستائر (تويست) بروفيدانس الله."Meaning:
"The severity of the will that is raging, will not be able to rip the curtains (twist) God's providence."

Himamu sawabiq (strong will) include a power that humans possess the permission of Allah sought to gain something in life is hard duniawi.Kemauan by himmah.Mereka called Sufism expert said: "The user has the ideals - ideals to achieve something, then he trying hard to get it.

However, the spirit and ideals - ideals servant of God, do not remain apart from the will of god and permission Allah.Pada finally have all the strength in humans is limited and will be tied to the will and decree of Allaah Ta'ala. Kaena ideals - ideals that are not loud and strong spirit Allah is able to break through Fate.

Himmah it to the trustees, lover of God, could be kekeramatan.Tetapi for besides them, it could be a provision in the frame to drop and destroy or as a deception (istidraj).
Because of the influence of eye gaze does exist, so does magic with his evil kerakter can mengancurkan.

As a result, a person shall berkenyakinan that himmah it just because that does not have the influence nor the melakukannya.Karena who do and do it, just Allah.Dialah Almighty God, not because they himmah and because - because itu.Seakan author (Ibn Athaillah ) with the statement that just want to address this issue, as well as any that setting, has no effect and did not exist when the hard and strong paedahnya.Karena himmah just can not tear the curtain destiny, let alone perencanaan.pada penganturan and finally, between himmah, and planning will collide with destiny, and the latter is what berlaku.Oleh Therefore, for perfectly reasonable people, do not just rely on perencanaan.Dan focused and because of that, Ibn Athaillah goes on to say as follows.
"تهدئة نفسك انادا للتفكير في الشؤون الدنيوية, لأن ما تم وضعها الله تعالى لك, لا تظن مشغولMeaning:
"Calm yourself anada of thinking about worldly affairs, because what Allah Ta'ala has been laid for you, do not you busy thinking about it."
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