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Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

                         Dive into the ocean Ma'rifat & nature.

Part One1.Sifat People Arif.
"ومن علامات - علامة على الناس الذين يعتمدون (الاعتماد) على الصدقة, وعندما يذهب على نحو خاطئ, فإنه يأمل أن تنخفض."

Meaning:"Among the signs - a sign of people who depend (rely) on charity, when it goes wrong, it hopes to be reduced.Drape or sensitize ourselves to God is the nature of the wise and powerful akidahnya.Sementara fool is the one who hung himself to that other than Allah. Everything depends on besides her, about science, activity and workmanship, as well as the good bad situation, he hung on that besides Allah.
People - the wise and strong faith in God. They always see the truth of the above tapestry hidupnya.Ia can not sever ties with the greatness of God because God has seen them slip from his sendiri.Apabila in errors and omissions, they are aware that qodha and providence of God is indeed running on him, as when the obedience and devotion to her. They do not see at all obedience and worship that emerged from themselves and did not see it, on top of ability and strength Because remembrance of God have mastered their hearts, so that their souls be quiet destiny of events that runs on their dirinya.Hati under bright light exposure to imanan in God is so strong.As for the two conditions and events that are about him, to them it makes no difference, because they have sunk into the sea of ​​faith and thus have ketauhidan.Hal tune them in a condition of equilibrium between segments Khauf (fear of the wrath and punishment of God) and segment king '(hope the grace of God). With the fear (khauf), being away from them is not diminished in the goodness kemaksiatan.Dan also ihsan actions that they do, do not make them greatness in Raja'nya attitude.Ibn Ibad said that the panel of people - wise people who exist in sticking to the rules and laws - the law of God, it is God's power and guardian to be with them, so when it comes to obedience and worship them, they do not expect a reward for his obedience, because they do not see any power to run the meetings of themselves, but it is merely of Allah.Tetapi when they slip in a fault, still conscious that the punishment for any crime-that, in proportion to the crimes that do it.
People - wise people do not look at that besides God, both when facing difficulties and a severe test as well as the good times and He [Pang. The existence of existence is the power and grace of God, the consideration to focus on her, her fear only Allah Almighty is very hard his punishment threat, and hope that adorn his heart, because of the breadth of grace and his promise of reward.
While on the other hand, coercion and subjugation of lust in the framework of charitable intent and conduct worship services, the charity that they wish to obtain the reward portion that can make the handle and make them into tenang.Ketika conditions they slip in a fault, because it hopes to be reduced, as where when doing obedience, then they memjadikan ketaatn it as a strong grip that can deliver on keselamatan.Bagi clogs, pok past, still relies on sebab.semuanya occurring causality and cause and effect.
Barng who finds himself still at the level of this kind, then let him recognize and be aware of the level and the levels reached before the level (maqom) special and privileged who have an intense closeness to Allah.tetapi he was included in the group ketegore right (as- habul Yamin). Regarding this issue will be explained in the next Athailallah Ibn talks.
Shaykh Abu Abdurrahman As-Silmi and Aabu Na'im Al-Hafiz said Ashfahani of Husayn ibn Yusuf Aar-Razi ra, that he said, some people say to me and said: "You will not be able to achieve on what the intent and desire you, except to repent. "in response to pertayaan that I say, that repentance seadinya datng approached, Tetu mengizinkannya.Aku I not only berharaf and pray to God to save and mejauhkan me from sin.
Had the truth (as-shidg) and sincerity (al-sincere) that is two slave to me, of course I'm going to sell it because kezuhudanku pangdangan kepadanya.Karena if the people of God as fortunate as the existing provisions in the unseen, I should avoid sin and kesalahan.Tetapi if for God, my line is as wretched and humiliated people, of tobatku and keikhlasanku and righteousness, I will not be able to deliver a lucky person.
God created me as a human being, without charity and did not go round penolong.Aku belongs to God and his will kembali.Dialah that yng give me instructions to convert to Islam as a religion that approves of her.
Allah swt. said:
"كل من يسعى إلى دين آخر غير دين الإسلام, فمن لم تتلق أي وقت مضىمنه, وإنه في الآخرة هو من بين أولئك - الذين هم الخاسرون. "(QS> علي عمران: 85)"Meaning:"Whoever seeks a religion other than the religion of Islam, it is not ever received (the religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those - who are the losers." (QS> Ali-Imran: 85)Therefore, depending on the grace and glory of God, the better for me if I was an independent and resourceful, rather than relying on charitable deeds to all properties keterbatasanku.Karena comparing kelemahandan grace and glory of his virtues with charitable deeds, indeed very small and sebanding.Dan no knowledge of the primacy of God's grace and really not much and very minimal, can not reach.
I say, this story and would like to open a hearing person who does not have a nature, then he reneged on its meaning, or she would have received trust and provide a special place for these Events dirinya.Kedua, will deliver a person in fear and bahaya.Bagi people does not have the ability to memahammi and malalui this way, he should be cautious to Allah.Karena course he will turn around and ignore this keteranganku, so he will also turn away from the people - the noble and beloved saints of God.
Such a case, would distance himself from God Almighty, it is not profitable and can not believe, because of his evil character who always tends to crimes that are so damaging. When a person is not able to subdue and control his lust, he becomes very vulnerable to committing crimes, violating boundaries - boundaries of religion, which raises the wrath of God swt.Hingga in turn he would be stupid, into pagan territory zindeeq. Na'uudzu billaahi dzaalik min.

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