Monday, August 5, 2013
"هدوء نفسك في التفكير في أمور الدنيا, لأن ما تم وضعها الله تعالى لك, لا تفعل أنت مشغول التفكير حول هذا الموضوع."
"Calm yourself thinking of worldly matters, because what Allah Ta'ala has been laid for you, do not you busy thinking about it."
beings against their mundane problems, in this context, is that
tercela.Karena perbutan God swt.Telah bear and deal with problems so God
menghendakai mereka.Dengan world that their hearts are not preoccupied
with worldly affairs, but so focused and functioned circumvent any
potential for serve and worship and fulfill obligations - obligations to Allah, alone.
is, God's plan and determine all matters of life a slave hamba.Apa
conducted within the framework of organizing and planning the fate of
his life in accordance with the wishes and tastes, just a waste - waste
of energy that only membuatmya fatigue and extreme exhaustion.
Because it could be that in the majority of the plan, not be true because it is not in accordance with God's will and destiny.
with that he would be disappointed, against the divine law and
mencacimaki takdir.Umurnya depleted, so its worth - nothing, while he
has neglected and left the duty of devotion and worship Allah.Tidakan
and this kind of treatment, should stay away from and on the left by people - reasonable people.
Sahl bin Abdillah ra, said: "Leave iktiar and thinking about world affairs, because they are both just be muddying human life."
Abu Hasan As-Syadzili said: "If the plan is a must for you, then do not
you worry lakukanlah.Tetapi if it turns out your plan was not
implemented because not authorized by God." This issue, an issue
fundamental and basic way a
kaum.Pembahasan on this issue, requiring a long review, but we only
briefly argued saja.Karena author (Ibn Athaillah) have addressed this
problem with the book itself, which is the book At-Tanwir FII Isqaathit
Tadbir, denganulasan were so nice and very depth,
we would not need to review it in the book ini.Simak and read the book,
you will gain a lot of benefits and get answers to your problems
related to this issue, insha Allah.
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